Webinar 2015-07: NF Mentoring: Neurofeedback Applications for Athletes

Neurofeedback has its own winding road of history. Technology and computational advancements have been exponentially increasing. The scientific recognition of the brains plasticity is indisputable. Research in applied fields of mental health utilizing self regulation techniques are reaching new heights in rigor and demonstration of efficacy. And yet the modality of neurofeedback continues to struggle in recognition, application and widespread implementation. Over the past five years it has been the mission of my work to increase the broader awareness, understanding and utilization of brain self regulation. The steps to achieve this has been through developing a more engaging experience for the user; creating an appeal to a broader audience through identifying optimal performance metrics rather than solely focusing on clinical symptom presentations; demonstrating efficacy with the highest research standards; usage by the highest demanding populations; and telling the story through our generational heroes. This process has not been without challenge and opportunity. This is the story of the journey making Sense: The Path to Training Optimal Performance.


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