Package Description

Most of the time medical symptoms resulting from a head injury dissipate or are successfully treated within 2-4 weeks.  Unfortunately, what remains many times are troublesome psychological symptoms such as irritability, depression, anxiety, sleep problems, and extreme difficulty concentrating.

Neurofeedback is well positioned to treat such results of head injuries. There is specificity in the brain wave assessment of the points of impact, the coup and the internal ricochet impact, the contrecoup. This webinar will present an EEG assessment and training process that achieved 90% improvement with 30 clients’ symptoms.

Either through a QEEG or 10-12 individual site spectral assessment subsequent brain wave imbalances can be identified and even quantified. Baseline assessments of the microvolt amplitudes of key brainwaves:  delta; theta; alpha; SMR/13-15hz; Beta/16-22hz; and fast Beta/ 25-35hz at the coup and contrecoup points of impact are possible. Brain wave assessments can also measure frequency amplitudes related to the various symptoms.

The webinar will present summary results of successful neurofeedback training of 25 adults and five children. Case studies will discuss one adult with depression and distractibility symptoms and one child whose symptoms resulted in a major personality change.

While the dominant mode of biofeedback is EEG neurofeedback, the presentation will describe how hand warming biofeedback and heart rate variability biofeedback accelerate the brainwave balancing progress.

Specific cognitive behavior methods will be presented that when combined with the EEG biofeedback also augment brain wave improvement and transfer to performance improvements in life.

What will I learn?

  1. Participants will learn a systematic process for how to effectively train brain waves that were injured from one or more head traumas.
  2. Attendees will learn the principles of Dr. Angelo Bolea’s Quadrant Brain Theory for neurofeedback assessment and training.
  3. You will be able to describe an interactive method for clients to understand and support EEG brain wave biofeedback.
  4. You'll be able to identify the advantage of hand warming biofeedback and Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback to supplement neurofeedback in treating head injuries.
  5. Attendees will discover more effective scalp placement locations than C3 and C4.
  6. You will learn the advantage of right hemisphere neurofeedback training.

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